Disabled Parking

reserved-parking-onlyHow Do I Apply For A Disabled License Plate or Parking Placard?

  1. Obtain the proper form.Individuals who wish to apply to receive plates and/or placards must fill out Texas Department of Transportation form VTR-214. The form can be obtained from the County Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office, and is also available online at the TXDMV Website.
  2. Complete the appropriate sections of the form. Choose the type of placard and/or plate you’re applying for, and then provide your name, signature, driver’s license or identification card number, the date, and your address. If you’re applying for license plates, fill out the information about your car.  Do not fill out the physician portion of the form.
  3. Visit your physician or podiatrist.  A physician or podiatrist must complete and sign their portion of the form.  The physician or podiatrist must be licensed in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, or New Mexico, or else be an employee of the Veterans Administration.  The signature must be notarized unless the physician or podiatrist attaches a separate written original prescription on a prescription form or on his letterhead.  A podiatrist may complete the form only if the applicant has a disorder of the foot that limits mobility.
  4. Return the form to the County Tax Assessor/Collector in the county where you live.  If your plates or placards expire, or are lost or stolen, you must complete a new form.  However, people with permanent disabilities do not have to have a physician sign subsequent forms.
