Voter FAQ

How do I register to vote?

What you must do to register to vote:

  • Complete a postage free postcard application and mail it or take it in person to the voter registrar in Jefferson County. You may request a postcard application by using our online form.
  • You must be at least 17 years and ten months of age on the date your application is submitted.
  • Your application must be submitted 30 days before an election for you to be eligible to vote in that election.
  • Your spouse, parent, or child (acting as an agent) may complete and sign a voter registration application for you, provided that this person is a registered voter, or has applied for voter registration.

What happens after I send in the postcard application?

You will receive a voter certificate in the mail. Be sure that all your information is correct. (If there is a mistake, immediately make corrections and return it to the registrar. Your registration never expires. You will receive a new color coded certificate every two years. Present this certificate at the polling place on election day.

What do I do if I move somewhere within the county?

Promptly notify the voter registrar in writing of your new address by:

  • Correcting the information on the back of your current voter registration certificate and returning it to the voter registrar; or
  • Completing a voter registration change form (contact your county voter registrar or the Secretary of State’s office for a form)

Your spouse, parent, or child (acting as an agent) may complete and sign a change of address form for you, provided that this person is a registered voter, or has applied for registration. You will receive a new, corrected certificate, and you’ll be able to vote in your new precinct 30 days after your notice has been received. Meanwhile, you may vote a full ballot in your former precinct if your registration has not become effective in the new precinct. Be sure you notify the voter registrar of your change of address as soon as possible.

What do I do if I move somewhere outside the county?

You must re-register! Complete an application and mail it or take it in person to the voter registrar of your new county. You will be registered 30 days after your application is submitted, and you’ll receive a new certificate.

You may be eligible to vote a limited ballot in your new county of residence after moving if:

  • You have an active registration to vote in the previous county; and
  • Your registration in the new county is not yet effective.

If you vote a limited ballot, you may vote on all statewide offices and propositions and for all district offices which are common to both counties. You must apply for a limited ballot and vote by personal appearance with the county clerk or the elections administrator of your new county during the early voting period, or by mail if you are already eligible to vote by mail.

What do I do if my name changes?

Promptly notify the voter registrar in writing of your new name by:

  • Correcting the information on the back of your current voter registration certificate, sign, and return it to the voter registrar; or
  • Completing a voter registration change form (contact your county voter registrar or the Secretary of State’s office for a form)

Your spouse, parent, or child (acting as an agent) may complete and sign a change of name for you, provided that this person is a registered voter, or has applied for registration. You will receive a new, corrected certificate, and you’ll continue to be able to vote.

What if I lose my certificate?

Notify the voter registrar in writing, or call, and they will issue you a new one. You may vote without your certificate by signing an affidavit at the polling place and presenting proof of identification.

Elimination of Straight-Party Voting

House Bill 25, passed during the 85th Legislative Session, eliminated straight-party voting effective September 1, 2020.

If you wish to vote for all of the candidates affiliated with one party, you should select each candidate one at a time on your ballot.


El Proyecto de Ley 25 de la Camara de Representantes, aprobado durante la 85a Sesion Legislativa, elimino la votacion de partido unico a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2020.

Si desea votar por todos los candidatos afiliados a un partido, debe seleccionar a cada candidato uno a la vez en su boleta.
